Friday, February 22, 2013


It took a while before I decided to use “LOVE” in the title of this article but settled for it  to increase the audience. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t have a problem with the word, just feel the concept of love is not a feeling but a decision. “LOVE: - A conscious decision to make someone smile, laugh and be happy for specific or infinite period” – Kc Ofoegbu

The concept of love has been somewhat misconstrued by our social construct. Love in its totality is first a commandment and by virtue of freewill you may choose to obey or disregard. But let’s skip that line of thought for now and hopefully bring it up another day, I have something someone more fascinating to share, which epitomizes the art of humorinstint.

Note! If you can’t find humor in everything and can’t be a real sport, then you got no business dating even a mannequin. And I am not shitting you about this! You can’t be best friends with anyone without insulting each other constantly. Humor is like the only explanation of having a partner who is totally aware of how not-so-smart you are but still manages to be seen in public with you.

When that feeling you call whatever, which causes amnesia and makes you forget that there are over a billion of that same gender of that person you can’t do without in the world. When that feeling DIES… because she got fat or he lost his six packs, those jocular taunts and sarcasm are key drugs that can resuscitate your state of amnesia

"Humor is a tool like any other," says Robert L. Weiss, a psychologist at the University of Oregon who studies humor in relationships. "People use humor in lots of different ways, including some negative ones. It's not just one monolithic thing." Almost every sweet, supportive way of using it has an evil twin; an aggressive, selfish or manipulative version. And like those teasing comments in the workplace that can just as easily feel like flattery or an attack, the two sides of humor are so intimately intertwined, it almost isn't funny.

Based on my relationship with someone, I have come to the conclusion that if you love to be in critical state of amnesia, you got to find a female with name meaning - Rock and a genetic humorous foul mouth that is provokingly obvious in her father.  With double graduate honors and an unsanctioned 3rd in being a flippant and still considers self unwitty and unable to engage in an intelligent banter.

She makes hostile quips about my least favorite qualities and quick to use sarcasm or make a joke to change the subject whenever I bring up finances or her indiscretions, you might not even notice that she's trying to be funny. I just wonder why the two of us never seem to want to talk about the important things we disagree about but would rather make jest and laugh about every other thing, idea or event we find interesting.

As much as she disagrees, she’s a purist, yet carnally minded to always assume that everything I say has more than one carnal or taunting meaning. This jokingly lets us put out thoughts in a tentative way that makes our conversations almost never ending.

Beautiful with supple skin, a big head to hold all the apt taunts in the world and sexy in more than one way that you want to love her in so many ways. Dekalia must have been a queen to raise a princess in so such time.

Lest I drift away, the point is humor is valuable to relationships because it can provide a sense of closeness and increase happiness. Researchers believe that affiliative humor, or the type of humor displayed by people who like to make others laugh, is very valuable in romantic relationships.  A study found that when a person perceives that their partner uses affiliative humor they are more satisfied with the relationship.

And in my own study, I have found that when partners use taunting humor between them, a positive bond is created. This bond acts as a strong buffer against stress, disagreements, and disappointment.

So guys, if you have a weak sense of and dissent sarcasm then you better changing your mindset. I suggest you visit your local dvd store and buy up all the stand-up comedies or comedy series dvds you can lay your hands on (All Chris Rock HBO series, Eddie Griffin and Big Bang Theory Series are really cool), will be a step in the right direction to improve your humorless life!

PS: This is dedicated to the lass that adores Belle Dekalia

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